Coach Danny

Danny Babolcsay
Head Trainer
Danny Babolcsay
His Fitness Journey
14 years as a personal trainer. 9 years as a mixed martial artist. 5 certifications and working towards a 6th. Insured. Nationally accredited. Has worked with the Chicago Marathon. Has worked with Wounded Warrior Project.
Danny believes that your body is truly the only thing you own and that we should take care of it to our fullest extent to have the best quality of life possible. Danny also realizes the body is capable of GREAT and AMAZING things and is excited to help people discover this wonderful process in their fitness journey.
> Strength Training and smart program design
> Personal Training and corrective exercise
> Circuit Training and explosive strength
> Athletic Performance and muscular endurance
> Endurance in general for the cardiovascular system
> Mobility and stretches to apply determined on current lifestyle, work or bodily use on the daily